Vertical Files
Ephemeral items like clippings, pamphlets, and programs.

About Vertical Files
We have a large amount of ephemeral material related to the people, places, organizations, and events which have shaped Swedish-American history.
Most files contain ephemeral items like clippings, pamphlets, programs, brochures, newsletters, reports, and/or historical documents including original manuscripts, publications, or photographs.
Vertical files are compiled by Swenson Center staff. This ever-growing collection of topical files continues to be added to today.

Note on sorting: Google Spreadsheets does not appropriately sort the Swedish letters ÅÄÖ as following Z. Browse for these letters under either A or O. These letters are physically filed appropriately/alphabetically in filing cabinets.
Use the yellow search bar or browse by scrolling.
For more information or to access the files please contact us.