Submission Guidelines
Interested in publishing in Swedish American Genealogist?

Submit to Swedish American Genealogist
Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Swedish American Genealogist (SAG) journal. The mission of the SAG journal was stated by its founder Nils William Olsson, PhD, F.A.S.G. in the first issue from March 1981: "The aim of SAG is to be a forum in which readers will find inspiration, assistance and enthusiasm in furthering their own genealogical studies."
Nils Williams's vision has been fulfilled through the years, by publishing within the scope of Swedish American biography, genealogy, and personal history as stated on the cover.
To continue this legacy SAG welcomes submissions that:
Expound upon any Swedish immigrant who settled in North America
Present the genealogical research of an ancestor or family in Sweden
Cover any time period of American or Swedish history
How should you prepare you article? See Submission Guidelines for details.
When you are ready to submit, or have any questions, please contact the Editor.