SAG Workshop
Meet us in Salt Lake City and spend six days in the FamilySearch Library researching your family history!

About the workshop
Meet fellow Swedish American Genealogist subscribers in Salt Lake City and spend six days in the Latter-Day Saints' FamilySearch Library researching your family history in Swedish records.
Our expert staff of Swedish researchers will guide you, and you will have the option to attend a couple of daily lectures that we and the FamilySearch Library staff will provide about various Swedish genealogical and historical topics.

The Workshop fee includes seven nights at the conveniently-located Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. Daily research and lectures take place at the FamilySearch Library.
The library and hotel lie back-to-back in the heart of downtown Salt Lake City. You will be within walking distance of Temple Square and steps away from a light rail station that can take you to a variety of shops, restaurants, and sites.
How to attend
Because of its origins with the Swedish American Genealogist journal, the Workshop is open to SAG readers. SAG is a free benefit to members of the Swenson Center. Become a member today! Members are mailed Workshop reservation forms in the early spring upon request.
The SAG journal was founded in 1981 by the late Nils William Olsson. He began the genealogy workshop in Salt Lake City in 1991, it was carried on for ten years by two of his children, Karna Olsson and Christopher Olsson, and the Workshop continues today (since 2008) under the direction of Jill Seaholm and the Swenson Center.
Contact Jill to request information about the next Workshop.
The next SAG Workshop is scheduled for October 26 - November 2, 2025.
Workshop Staff

Jill Seaholm
Workshop organizer
Head of Genealogical Services, Sweden Tour organizer, Swenson Center

Mike Swanson
Retired Archivist, Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota

Ulf Berggren
Swedish American Genealogist Self-employed genealogist, teacher of genealogy courses in blacksmiths and old handwriting, Associate Editor of

Geoffrey Fröberg Morris
Eva Dahlberg

Carl-Johan Ivarsson​
Former editor of Swedish American Genealogist, Accredited Genealogist, head of Nordic staff at the FamilySearch Library
Skåne and Norrbotten Research, VP of DIS computer genealogy society in Sweden
History teacher and editor of Värmlands Anor, quarterly journal of the Genealogical Society of Värmland.

The Workshop fee includes seven nights at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, a Welcome Reception, Farewell Reception, one group dinner, and transfers between the hotel and the SLC airport. Hotel rooms include small microwave ovens, refrigerators, and coffee makers.
Transportation to SLC is your own responsibility.