View the Center's March 2022 email newsletter
Dear friends,

While it is snowing as I write this, the temperature is slowing creeping upward and I even see a 70° day in the forecast next week! Spring is a time we look forward to growth and new beginnings. In that spirit, I wish to remind you of the Swenson Center's upcoming 40th anniversary event where we will reflect on our past and look forward to growth and new initiatives.
Please join us for our 40th anniversary symposium “The Migration and Beyond: New Perspectives on Swedish-American Relations” at Augustana College on Saturday, May 7. We have invited four younger scholars—two Americans and two Swedes—to discuss their work and to help us understand new directions in the field of Swedish-American history and relations.
Following the symposium, guests are invited to an open house featuring an exhibit of library/archives collection highlights from the last 40 years followed by a celebratory dinner. For the full program, registration, and anniversary contribution opportunities, see On a somber note, our hearts go out to all those impacted by the war in Ukraine. If you're interested in reading how Swedish news sources are covering the conflict, The Local is one source of Swedish news available in English. Warm wishes, Lisa Huntsha Archivist/Librarian P.S. Don't forget to eat waffles on Våffeldagen (March 25th) Continue Reading Subscribe to our email newsletter.