In August, the University of Minnesota Press will publish Swedish-American Borderlands. New Histories of Transatlantic Relations co-edited by Swenson Center director Dag Blanck and Uppsala University historian Adam Hjorthén. The book reflects the new approaches in the field, reframing Swedish–American relations by focusing on contacts, crossings, and convergences beyond migration.

Swedish–American Borderlands studies connections and contacts between Sweden and the United States from the seventeenth century to today, exploring how movements of people have informed the circulation of knowledge and ideas between the two countries to produce new understandings of what we perceive as Swedish, American, and Swedish American.
The Swenson Center is actively involved in developing and redefining the field of Swedish-American studies. In recent years scholars have been interested in broadening the field, seeing the migration of Swedes to North America as one (important) dimension of the larger patterns of interaction between Sweden and the United States. This is also reflected in the new Swenson Center mission statement we speak of “the study of Swedish-American history and relations.”
This book will be discussed at an open online seminar originating at Uppsala University. The seminar will be held in English and include presentations by four of the contributors to the book.
Location: Online via Zoom
September 9, 2021
3:15-5:00 p.m. Swedish time/8:15-10:00 a.m. Central Time
Zoom link:
All interested persons, in Sweden, the U.S., and elsewhere, are most welcome to participate in the seminar, listen to the presentations, and ask questions. It will be a very good opportunity to learn more about the new developments in the field. I hope you will join us!