Welcome to our first-ever annual report for the Swenson Center! We are happy to have a chance to highlight the accomplishments & activities of the previous fiscal year. As an archivist, I’m especially glad for the opportunity to document and preserve our achievements for the historical record.
Like many organizations, we came out of the pandemic a little bruised, but overall in good shape. We discovered our members’ appetite for virtual programming and are happy to continue providing online events for our fans across the world (46 states, 2 territories, and 6 countries!).
In the next few pages, you will meet many faces impacted by the work of the Center. Above, you see two Augustana College students attending one of our new hemslöjd (handicraft) workshops, which bring together students and community members to discover and create pieces inspired by Scandinavian folk arts. Read on to see further highlights from our three main areas of activities: library/archives, genealogy assistance, and academic research support.
It’s important to note that we are a staff of just 2.3 FTE (full time equivalent) employees. Just imagine what we could do with expanded staff and financial support! We invite you to join us in making a contribution to support the activities of the Center today.
Lisa Huntsha
Assistant Director & Head of Collections