We have digitized, microfilm, and print papers.

About Swedish-American Newspapers
About 600 Swedish language titles were published in the United States.
The Swedish American press was probably the fourth largest foreign language press in the United States (after German, Spanish, & Italian) with a total circulation over 500,000 copies in 1910.
Our collections contain microfilm and print holdings. We also helped digitize many newspapers.
Jump to Microfilm Newspapers Index
Jump to Print Newspapers Index
Digitized Newspapers
We helped digitize 300,000+ newspaper pages from 32 different Swedish-American newspaper titles published across the U.S. between 1859 and 2007.
On the newspaper website you can:
Search and read papers
Read background information on Swedish-American newspaper publishing
Learn about individual papers like Hemlandet, Vestkusten, and Svenska Amerikanska Posten
Contribute to the project yourself by using the text correction and annotation tools
The newspaper titles currently available were selected to provide wide geographic coverage and chronological and historical significance. Additional titles will be added as funding permits.
This digitization project was a joint effort between the Swenson Center, American Swedish Institute, Minnesota Historical Society, and the National Library of Sweden.

Microfilm Newspapers
We have a large collection of Swedish-American and Swedish-Canadian newspapers on microfilm.
Some titles may be available for interlibrary loan. Contact your home library for assistance.
If you would like us to perform a search in these records for you, please see our Genealogy-For-Hire page. Or see Genealogy Research Visits to view these on-site.
Note on sorting: Google Spreadsheets does not appropriately sort the Swedish letters ÅÄÖ as following Z. Browse for these letters under either A or O.
Use the yellow search bar or browse by scrolling.
Print Newspapers
Our collection of print newspapers are not yet cataloged. See this list for our holdings.
Note on sorting: Google Spreadsheets does not appropriately sort the Swedish letters ÅÄÖ as following Z. Browse for these letters under either A or O.
Use the yellow search bar or browse by scrolling.
For more information or to access the files please contact us.