To genealogy websites and helpful organizations.

About this list
These links go to other helpful genealogy websites and organizations relating to Swedish, Swedish-American, and Swedish-Canadian genealogy.
Please contact us to report broken links.
Because this resource is strictly related to Swedish genealogy, we cannot accept new links to more general resources.
How-To and Subscription Sites
Swedish Roots from, a Swedish genealogy how-to (worth getting to know)
SVAR & Swedish National Archives scanned parish records & other images; click on "other languages" for software in English. Free of charge
ArkivDigital scanned images in color Subscription required or purchase CD-ROMs of your parish
- Swedish parish records Subscription required
Searchable Sites
Demographic Database Southern Sweden some searchable vital records in Kristianstads, Malmöhus, Blekinge, and Hallands län; click on the British flag for software in English.
EmiWeb archives covering migration to and from Scandinavia Subscription required (in English, but you have to dig for it)
- new records constantly added Free
DIS Computer Genealogy Society of Sweden Join DIS, submit your own digital family tree to them, they will send you a list of any matches already in their vast database, and you will gain access to thousands of other Swedish family tree submissions, all for a nominal annual fee
Central Swedish Soldier Register (only in Swedish)
Stockholm City Archives some inhabitants of Stockholm 1878-1926
Centers, Societies, and Regional Information
(U.S. & Sweden)
Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland in Swedish
Emigrant center from Falköping area submit your ancestors' names!
​​​​​​Royal Society for Swedish Culture Abroad aka Riksföreningen Sverigekontakt
Swedish Emigrant Institute in Växjö aka "House of Emigrants" site in Swedish
Svenska Kyrkan parish address search site in Swedish: type parish name in box labeled "Församlingsnamn;" click on "sök" to search
Addresses of Archives in Sweden scroll down the list to the name of your county; link to its archives is below it
Swedish Institute for North American Studies (SINAS) on Facebook
Swedish Tourism
United States
The Augustana Synod Ministerium short bios of pastors 1850-1962; download, in 2 parts (far bottom of page)
Swedish Ancestry Research Association SARA, Northeast U.S.
Genealogical Societies in the U.S. by state (map)
Scandinavian Cultural Center at California Lutheran University
The San Francisco Call database 1869-1895 many Swedes listed
Swedish American Museum Chicago
American Scandinavian Association at Augustana Rock Island
Augustana Scandinavian Studies program Rock Island
North Park University Archives Chicago
Svensk Hyllningsfest Lindsborg, Kansas biennial festival
American Swedish Institute Minneapolis
Swedish language youth, adult, & Elderhostel programs in Minnesota
ScanFest in Budd Lake, NJ
Jamestown Swedes Chautauqua Co, NY & Warren Co, PA
Scandinavian Fest (Facebook) in Jamestown, NY
American Swedish Historical Museum Philadelphia
Jamestown Swedes Chautauqua Co, NY & Warren Co, PA
National Nordic Museum Seattle
Amery Area Swedish Club Northwest Wisconsin
Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Society Stoughton

Norwegian/Danish/Finnish/German Resources
Norwegian Passenger Indexes and other records. Swedes from northern and western provinces left from Norwegian ports.
Norwegian Shipping Index includes some Swedish ships that stopped off in Norway
Norwegian parish records online free; click on "English" in upper-right
Vesterheim Norwegian Museum Decorah, Iowa
Norwegian-American Genealogical Center Madison, Wisconsin
Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Society in Stoughton
Danish Passenger Index Search thousands of Swedes from far southern provinces left from Danish ports; select English language
Museum of Danish America Elk Horn, Iowa
Danish Emigration Archives Aalborg, Denmark
Migration Institute of Finland search for Swede-Finns there
Some Finnish parish records online free; click on the British flag for English
Map of Finland with place name index
U.S. Arrivals
- New York 1892-1924 only; you will need to register as a user, but registration is free and easy to use
EllisIslandRecords search engine that searches and is far easier to use; register as a user at in order to view search results
Castle Garden Records New York 1830-1891 only; free
FamilySearch (free) and Ancestry (subscription) have searchable and browsable port records
Canadian Genealogy

Maps of Sweden
Lantmäteriet historical maps
Old Maps online not only Sweden
Mailing Lists & Web Queries
Post queries on Swedish website Anbytarforum click on "English" in upper-right
U.S. or Worldwide
Sites for individual U.S. states and counties many have query pages