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Faculty Research Stipend

Applications due May 20

Are you an Augustana College faculty member? 


Curious about the Swenson Center collections? 


Want $600? 

About the Stipend

We want more faculty and students to use the rich resources available at the Swenson Center. This stipend offers a faculty member (of any rank) time, resources, and a modest stipend ($600) to explore materials available at the Center. Our hope is that you will then incorporate these resources into your courses or personal research projects. 

Center staff will provide you with assistance to conduct one week of in-depth research at the Center. Staff will offer continued support for creating class projects. We hope this partnership will help foster original research and information literacy skills in students.


Our collections contain library and archival materials including maps, photographs, music recordings, sheet music, newspapers, microfilm, and more. To learn more, see Library/Archives and Research Topics.


Depending on your area of research, resources may be in the Swedish language. However, most of our more recent records are in English. 


Questions? Contact us.


May 15:    Deadline for applications annually

June 15:   Applicants will be notified of the decision


Within 1 month of your visit, you will provide a brief report that outlines your visit to the Center, what you found, and how you plan to use these findings in your teaching or research.


This report will be published in DigitalCommons. It may also be published in our journal Swedish American Genealogist and/or on our website.  



Previous Report and Testimonials


“Personally, I found the field trip to be a great experience, one that helped me understand better what sociologists do."  - student, Fall 2024.  Read more about the class visit for SOAN 101: Introduction to Sociology with ÇaÄŸlar Çetin-AyÅŸe, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology,

Apply FRS

To Apply

1) Identify collection materials you'd like to explore


2) Write a proposal (1 to 2 pages)


  • Specific collection materials you are interested in examining

  • Description of the course/class project these materials might support or a description of your personal research project

  • Proposed dates for research (can be approximate). 


3) Submit proposal and your CV to Swenson Center via email


Applications will be evaluated on the basis of their potential to engage students with the Center's resources. Applications for projects that support a faculty member's individual research will be considered, but priority is given to those that will impact students. 

Past Recipients


Dr. ÇaÄŸlar Çetin-AyÅŸe,

Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology

Intersection of religion, nationalism, and democracy during World War I



Dr. Michael Scarlett

Associate Professor, Education Department

Developing a Historical Inquiry for Middle School Students



Dr. Lena Hann

Assistant Professor, Public Health Program

“Whole Person Health” in the Swedish-American Experience
See this article about what Dr. Hann's research has led her to



Dr. Brian Leech

Associate Professor of History

The Environmental History of Swedish America


Dr. Oleski Miranda Navarro

Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish

Latin America and the Swedish diaspora: the case of Cuba and Argentina



Dr. Kimberly La Palm

Assistant Professor of Scandinavian Studies

Finding Teaching Inspiration at the Swenson Center



Dr. Forrest Stonedahl

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

CSC Software Development class creates "Swedish Immigrant Trail" video game



Katie Hanson

Assistant Professor of English and Education

Exploring the Collection of Swedish-American Children's Literature



Dr. Christopher Strunk

Assistant Professor of Geography

Influence of Swedish immigrants on the historical geography of Moline

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