Books on Reserve
Request items be held for you to consult on-site

About Books on Reserve
Staff are happy to place requested materials on reserve for you for use in either the Swenson Center or Thomas Tredway Library (Tredway option for Augustana students/faculty/staff only). This process can help free up time during your visit so you have more time for your research. Materials can also be held temporarily onsite for repeated use.
For use at the Swenson Center
This option is available to any researcher and can include any Swenson Center materials (library, archival, vertical files, AV, microfilm). These items will be used within the Swenson Center Reading Room.
To initiate a reserve request:
Search the library/archives collections and identify materials
Note the title, author, and call number (be sure to include the library collection along with the call number)
Contact the Swenson Center and provide your materials list and request an appointment time.
See our Reading Room Policies prior to your visit.

For use at the Tredway Library
This option is available to Augustana College faculty/staff/students and is helpful since the Tredway Library has more open hours than the Swenson Center. Only Center library materials (books and AV materials, not archives) can be placed on reserve at the Tredway Library.
These items can be retrieved at the 2nd-floor Circulation Desk and must be used within the library. Most materials are available for either 2- or 4-hour check out and are usually for the duration of a term.
To initiate a reserve request:
Search the library collections and identify materials
Note the title, author, and call number (be sure to include the library collection along with the call number)
Contact the Swenson Center and provide your materials list and your contact information and time period of your request
The Swenson Center will inform you when the materials are ready at the Tredway Library