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Academic Research

The Swenson Center promotes academic research on Swedish-American history and relations. We host conferences, lectures, and visiting scholars.


We are interested in this topic from a variety of perspectives and academic disciplines. 

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Swedish Immigration to North America

An overview of Swedish immigration history written by Swenson Center director, Dr. Dag Blanck. 

O. Fritiof

Ander Lecture Series

Since 1991, the O. Fritiof Ander Lecture Series has brought a prominent scholar in the field of immigration studies to give a lecture on the Augustana College campus. 


Dagmar and Nils William Olsson

Visiting Scholar Award

We offer a $2,500 award for visiting scholars to conduct research on any aspect of Swedish-American history. 

Faculty Research Stipend

Are you an Augustana College faculty member?


Apply for $600 to support your 1-week exploration of collections at the Center.



Academic conferences have been sponsored or co-sponsored by the Center on a continuing basis since 1987. 


Gain hands-on experience in library and archival work. 


Class Instruction

We can help faculty create class visits and assignments using Center collections. 

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